Photo Gallery
selected images featured in the South Central Dreams book

#WeAreSouthLA (photo by Lucy Castro)

Mural in Historic South Central (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Bungalow in Vermont Square (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Salo's Mini Market mural (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
20 Years in South LA (photo by UNIDAD)
Jordan High School in Watts (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Public housing, Watts (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Slauson Swap Meet, Vermont Square neighborhood (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Pee Wee's liquor mart, Vermont Square neighborhood (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Blue/A Line Train, Watts (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Heavy metal fences and gates surround many residential dwellings in South L.A., Vermont Square neighborhood (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)

Many homes such as this one in Watts feature well-tended gardens with fruit trees and roses, and it is also common to see heavy bars barricading the windows. (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
Latino family members feel love and connection with one another, and with their homes and the neighborhoods of South L.A. (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
“I’m still proud of it, you know? I appreciate where I grew up from, you know? It was a struggle, but like I learned from it. That’s all I got.” (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
“I think for South LA, the best thing you can do is what they did with me. Open people's eyes. Open their eyes and start seeing into the future and seeing how their decisions affect everything that can happen.” (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)

“The older population, the older Latinos, the older African Americans, they don’t really get along…You might as well get along ‘cause at the end of the day, we’re still living in the same communities, we have the same struggles.” (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
“I can still walk in my neighborhood, and I hope my kids realize that there's a lot to be done to improving the condition of how we live, but I hope they grow up knowing to do their part.” (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)
I Love Watts mural (photo by Walter Thompson-Hernandez)

Planting a garden (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)

Three gardeners (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)

Community garden (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)

A home-like gathering at the Greater Watts Community Garden (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)

A shaded casita at the SACG, outfitted with plastic chairs and chicken and rooster figurines as décor. (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo

A festive gathering featuring carne asada and live ranchera music at the Stanford Avalon Community Garden. (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)

One of the more rudimentary-built casitas. The white cabinet holds gardening tools. (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)

At Stanford Avalon Community Garden, each garden plot is behind a locked chain link gate, and is identified by a number. (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)

The SACG garden plots flank a long dirt alley and span eleven blocks, set below the Department of Water and Power utility towers, just south of the flight path for jets arriving at LAX. (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)
Protest signs (photo by UNIDAD)

Rolland Curtis Gardens re-opening (photo courtesy of Abode Communities)
(photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)
(photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)
(photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)
PowerFest 2016 (photo by Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo)